Posts and videos
Can Storytelling be a Hazard in SciComm?
2. May 2023
No one would dispute that stories are crucial for learning, helping your audience integrate new facts into their existing body of knowledge or into their culture’s broader narratives. But to create a gripping story that is coherent and memorable, you know you’ll need to make some trade-offs.
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Looking for more recent posts?
1. March 2023
For German-speaking visitors: You'll find more (and more recent) posts on the German version of this website.
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Meaningful feedback is essential for successful adaptive learning
1. April 2021
To boost human learning, AI must learn from humans. An editorial for the edtech company Taskbase.
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Animated explainer videos
2. January 2021
Conceptualizing and co-creating a series of ten animated explanatory videos for the Jacobs Foundation's blog BOLD, in collaboration with researchers and creative partners.
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BOLD, Blog on Learning and Development
1. January 2021
Selected blog posts and interviews on the Jacobs Foundation's blog BOLD, which I conceptualized and headed as editor-in-chief from 2016 to 2020.
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Why communicating science is more than just “translating”
15. December 2020
Why science outreach and communicating scientific insights is so much more than merely presenting complex findings in a manner that is accessible to a lay audience.
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Science communication is no picnic
3. December 2020
A number of developments call for science communicators who are not only equipped to communicate scientific findings in a coherent way and without oversimplifying, but who also know how to get the attention of their target groups, and who have a broad understanding of global and local backgrounds.
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Pitfalls along the path of communicating science to a lay audience
2. December 2020
Researchers may worry about several things before a collaboration starts. Are these concerns well-founded?
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The mantras of a science communicator
1. December 2020
Science communication is ideally done in a team, and as the person commissioned with this task, I have often found myself caught between two worlds.
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