2016 bis 2020 baute ich die wisssenschaftsbasierte Multimedia-Platform der Jacobs Foundation – BOLD, Blog on Learning and Development – nicht nur auf, sondern leitete ihn auch als Chefredakteurin. Die meisten der ca. 600 Artikel, die in dieser Zeit veröffentlicht wurden, wurden von Forscherinnen und Forschern, Wissenschaftsjournalistinnen und Wissenschaftsjournalisten geschrieben. Eine ganze Reihe von Artikeln, Videos und Interviews stammt aber auch von mir selbst – hier verlinke ich einige ausgewählte.
“Curiosity and openness matter more than diligence and perseverance”
Developmental psychologist Margherita Malanchini explains why curiosity, creativity, and self-confidence are more important for a child’s success in reading and math than commonly assumed. She also discusses recent findings about the role of genes in educational attainment and the implications of this research for future interventions. An interview by Sabine Gysi.
“A machine should be like a personal trainer for learners”
Edy Portmann explains why it is important for schools to reinforce the scientist that lies within every child. He talks about intelligent learning systems and how they can be used to build collective intelligence, as well as to encourage students’ creativity and help them learn to work together to solve problems. An interview by Sabine Gysi.
“Digitalization is an opportunity to eradicate inequity in education”
Daniel Schunk, professor of public and behavioral economics, talks about what schools should consider when creating a digital learning environment. He describes the characteristics of high-quality learning software that educators will be eager to work with, and explains why digitalization provides an opportunity to combat inequity in education. An interview by Sabine Gysi.
“We can take this powerful mechanism and deliberately design it to learn”
Manu Kapur, Professor of Learning Sciences and Higher Education at ETH Zurich, explains his concept of “Productive Failure”. In the first part of our interview, he also discusses why teaching should be guided by the latest research on human cognition and learning. An interview by Sabine Gysi.
Attentive learners’ brains are on the same wavelength
Suzanne Dikker’s research combines cognitive neuroscience with education and performance art. In this interview, she explains how the brainwaves of children in a classroom become synchronized and discusses the connection between social interaction and learning. She also talks about how crowdsourcing experiments can take neuroscience into the real world. An interview by Sabine Gysi.
“Morality demands thinking with the head and not the heart”
Psychologist and cognitive scientist Paul Bloom talks about the complex process of building a sense of morality, justice and fairness, and how a too-narrow notion of “empathy” can cause misjudgments and harmful actions. He also warns of politicians’ empathy traps. An interview by Sabine Gysi.
Blaming smartphones, but missing the point
Psychologist Candice Odgers explains why the use of digital technologies by adolescents is not a black-and-white issue. It appears to amplify risk for some adolescents, while creating positive opportunities for many others. An interview by Sabine Gysi.
“Training is important, but it’s not the whole story”
Cognitive neuroscientist and concert pianist Fredrik Ullén talks about what playing music does to our brains – and what it doesn’t do. He also explains what it takes to become an outstanding musician. An interview by Sabine Gysi.
What makes an app educational?
Apps can be an excellent resource for learning in an informal, out-of-school setting. However, developers and parents need to know how children learn best. We are entering the second wave of educational apps. Professor Kathy Hirsh-Pasek and her co-researchers believe that now is the time to apply Science of Learning principles to this cutting-edge learning tool in order to foster active, engaged, meaningful and socially interactive learning. A blog post by Sabine Gysi.
[…] Teil von verschiedensten digitalen Formaten konzipierte ich für den Blog BOLD der Jacobs Foundation eine Serie von 10 animierten Erklärvideos, die in Partnerschaft mit […]
[…] abgab, hatte ich das Glück, eine grossartige Nachfolgerin zu finden, Gemma Wirz, die BOLD bis heute gemeinsam mit Annie Brookman-Byrne führt und ständig weiterentwickelt. Bis heute haben […]